Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ahhh the joy of blogging again...


It has been a very long time since i've blogged!!

Yes its because my life have been pre-occupied...(sadly not what ur think...)

Well this past week have been quite good...

I watched Dark Knight!!! Which is a really good movie!! Joker was played so well....

Don't really want to spoil anything, but I can say it's story is just... SO FREAKIN GOOD~~!!!

Well those are the good parts... now on the bad....

Sigh I can't get Exempted from one of units (MATE1412) Now i got to do 5 Engieering Units... (*dead*)

Yeah I know its suicide... bleh

Not only that i missed my orientation leader meeting... which errr...*ahem*... they forgot to remind me... :P

Now i'm left in the dark till Monday to find out what i'm gonna do. Got to wake up at 6am and get thr by 8am...

The reasons i did this is not because of the chi...*ahem*... people there, well i'll most likely be taking enigneering people (if you know what i mean *wink*) 

Well... I'm off to bed now! Got to wake up early!!!!

See ya


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