Friday, June 13, 2008

Blog Entry #2

Woo HOo!!! Blog entry number 2!!!
I actually enjoy blogging!!! hahaha...

Right now... i'm full...very full
Alan = the most funniest dude to watch eating (No seriously... Hilarious)
I'm also pretty annoyed at someone...
that person is just so GAHHH!!
Freakin hell....
now on to the proper blog....

So... today.... McL again...
Did Maths... Learned... quite a bit!
A million thanks to my new german buddy Felix!!!
And no thanks to a certain women who seems to ignore me... :(
(I just dont understand her...) *sigh*

Anyways... yeah maths... I must get HD so hence i need to sutdy...
Man! Can't wait for exams to be done!
Stuff to do after exams:
1)  1KG Steak!!!
2) Karaoke!!!
3) Jaws sushi!!!
4) WoW...(yes WoW!! Freakin Hell even though i say i gonna quit...i'm 1000% sure i'll get into it!!
5) Metros!!!!
6) Get bUff?? (which i'm never gonna be :p)
7) Go Out Get SMASH!!! WOOOO!!!

Yeah everything is planned out after exams...
Its Gonna be Crazy!!!! WOOOOOO~~~~~~

Oh yeah... and today... i'm gonna stay awake till 8pm...Just to adjust my sleeping pattern...

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