Saturday, June 14, 2008

Blog Entry #3

Oh yeah i'm blogging 2 days in a row!!!
Blogging is Fun!! (Seriously)

On to today's entry...

So i today was a failure of trying to adjust my sleeping time...FAILED
I died at 10am... couldn't do it..
Woke up at 4pm...
Tried to study... FAILED
Played dota... FAILED
Its a failure day....

I feel hell bad of what i did today, i made someone sad...
It wasn't intentional...
I should appologize to her when i see her... :(
(I am Sorry...hehee but it was fun seeing u suf...*ahem*... I mean Sorry)

I'll give her a Kit Kat :P

All rite time to study maths!!
I can DO this!!!

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