Monday, December 20, 2010

Sigh to my life

It occurred to me that the only time I blog is when I'm feeling down.

Working at the Hyatt has be pretty good. The pay is pretty good. Sadly a lot of people are leaving and the workplace is becoming very hectic. All that keeping me from quitting is the pay check. Sigh....

Had the worse customers this week. Freakin Cricket Test series. The fan/ players are so rude. And they come into the cafe in crowds!!! Wished they all leave >.< Double Sign....

Sometimes I wish my life goes according to my plans... and definetely much more faster. Every time I had to wait for something... My PR... Bob (Bob is actually a replacement for a other word which I am not going to say)... and so on..... wished I could just like go SHAZZAMmmmM!!! BOOM PR obtained! Sighhhh....

Sometimes I wished Bob will be more loving and care about me more:( I think Bob does but Bob never shows it. Everytime I wanna hang with Bob, Bob just can't.... I really really like Bob but sometime I think its never going to work coz all nothing seems to go to plan... SIGH......

Last but not least! My PsP replacement is cracked!!!!!! Now I have to ask the seller whether I can return it! He better let me return! gg 60 bucks if I don't! SIGHHHHHH

Meh life sucks, but at least I'm alive and well... just got to suck it up!



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Its been awhile... again

Dear Blog,

It's been awhile since I've written anything on here. Well, its probably due to my lack of motivation in everything and the stress of not being able to get my PR (permanent residency).

Within in the period of me not blogging... I have achieved literally nothing... The goals that I set out to do weren't even close to completion... FAIL

Well at least I got a full time job now.... as a Bar Runner/Buffet Man/ Floor Staff @ Hyatt Regency
I was offered the job thanks to Megan!!
Working @ the Hyatt was way easier then working @ PCEC (Perth Convention Exhibition Centre). the only downside is that I have to wake up at 5am every morning! Anyway, the people there are awesomely friendly and helpful! With the exception of a couple of chefs and team leaders.

On another note, I realized I look disgustingly fat:( Even though I didn't put on much. So in order for me to look better I've committed to joining Fitness First!

Currently I weighed 74.5kg. I'm hoping to lose 5 kg by the end of the year. Hopefully bulk up next year! I shall update my progress when I have the chance!



PS: Well I did spending relatively more time with my Girlfriend... so I guessed that's achieved....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My university life is about to come to an end...

Dear Blog

It has been 4 years since I remembered walking into my first class at UWA. It seems only yesterday that I was sitting in class dumbfounded by the topic of calculus. Alas, now is the time for a new chapter in life! The following things are my goals for this year:

1. Get an engineering job in Australia
2. Remake this blog
3. Get rip!
4. Make a video blog
5. Get a car
6. Spend time with my girlfriend
7. Achieve greatness by doing great things....yeah...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Dear Blog,

Today I scored two goals for soccer. It felt great:D

Not only that I finished labs! Woohoo! No more labs for now:D



Monday, April 5, 2010

I hate my labs

Dear Blog,

I officially hate my labs. Equipment loves behaving weirdly when i use it. Plus my results are weird! I'm soo tired and I can't be stuffed doing anymore!


I miss my girl:(
I wanna spend time with her!


Luo Sen

PS: I have achieved in becoming depress...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Dear Blog,

I am in my lab, doing my thesis. I am sooo tired and sleepy! I wished I could go home and sleep!!!! Alas, this dumb ass experiment takes alot of time:(

Today, I achieved:
1. Doing 21 push ups
2. Finished the IGC report

See ya!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

OMG I forgot To blog:P

Dear Blog,

Omg I'm sorry I forgot to blog! I've been way too tired. Staying at uni from morning till night is killer.

Anyhows this shall be a replacement for yesterday.

I have achieved:
1. Starting a my jogging regime
2. Potentially having a bicycle (thanks megan:D)

Thats a pretty shit achievement for the day... Well hopefully today will be better.

See ya

Friday, April 2, 2010

Things I achieved today

Hi blog! Its been a while since I've last written anything.

Recently, I found that life is hard. I found myself lost. (Los is lost hehe)
Many factors in life has caused me to realise that I am living an ignorant life disregarding my future. Well its time to change that. I am going to blog everyday about what I have achieved on that day. I hope that when I look back at it, I can say "Oh I achieved that" So let the blogging begin!

Dear Blog,

1. Today I understand what issues of fiscal policies in Australia must overcome in the future.
2. I walked from uni to my apartment in west Perth. (Took me 50mins)
3. Successfully performed TGA on samples showing better results :D