Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Phew!! Exam No. 1 is Over!!!

Oh yeah!!! Exam No. 1 is over!!
What a relief to see that math2040 exam has finally passed!!
The exam was fairly simple!! I actually aiming for a HD... (possible if I get scaled up...)
I saying minimum D... (hahaha... not being cocky or anything, but i have a good feeling for this exam)

Now... 11 more days to go for my 2nd and last exam :p
I must get a HD for this unit as well... (if i dont... i suck hahahahhaa)
Well seeing that everyone is studying hard for their exams, i figured i will join them!! ( Thats rite MCL baby!!)

Who ever is reading my blog... i'm sure theres one or two of you...
I wishing you the Best of luck!!!

1 comment:

Li ying said...

dinn tell me u have blog huh.
anyway, can c ur addited to blogging.